as if all wrongs
could be righted
daylight saving time



10 Responses

  1. LYNNE REES Says:

    This is satisfying… I like haiku that juxtapose statements with image or event. And this one feels naturally ‘right’.

  2. Magyar Says:

    history followes
    in our mind eyes’ sight painted
    forever times thought


  3. Sylvia Forges-Ryan Says:

    Love it!

  4. Debbie Says:

    So good!

  5. Kala Ramesh Says:

    Most beautifully done, Julie

  6. Buffy Shutt Says:

    Love this. So true.

  7. Buffy Shutt Says:

    Love this. And it is so true.

  8. martin gottlieb cohen Says:

    Kyiv all the light in a mouse’s eye

  9. Julie Schwerin Says:

    Thank you all for your kind words. May more and more sunshine inhabit our days

  10. Gottfried Fartworth Says:

    Love this. So true. And it feels naturally right.

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