barred light on the walls
of the deportation centre


6 Responses

  1. Lesley Says:

    poignant, Lynne, and understated

  2. Bob Lucky Says:

    I love the the different ways "barred" can be read. As an adjective, of course. But also, possibly, as a transitive verb giving the sun an active role. We can only hope the sun is so wise. Thanks for this ray of light, so to speak, in dark times, Lynne.

  3. Lynne Rees Says:

    Thanks for the close reading..

  4. Mike Schoenburg Says:

    yellow dawn
    mallards sip
    the pond shadows ??

  5. Magyar Says:

    Heartful Lynne, with deep understanding(s). My humble view therein:
    __ Sun light leaps through these cell bars to project shadows on that –far wall– that may well be that image of expulsion. _m

    morning in this cell
    the rising sun paints new bars
    a far wall's shadows

  6. ormanarlington Says:


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