sheltered by the bus stop empties




Originally published in where i leave off / waar ik ophoud

4 Responses

  1. marlene mountain Says:

    hi jim this is difficult. sometims my haiku are quite hard to read.
    i sort of understand yours. but i would say it's
    an 'almost'

  2. d. f. tweney Says:

    a gust of rain across the water turning up my collar

  3. Alan Summers Says:

    coolness of spring rain
    waiting with the bus queue
    on newly cut hair

    Alan Summers

    1.Haiku Friends Vol. 3 Ed. Masaharu Hirata, Japan (2009)
    2.Mainichi Shimbun 125th Anniversary (haiku contest) Anthology, Japan, (1997)
    3.sundog haiku journal: an australian year
    sunfast press 1997 reprinted 1998
    California State Library – Main Catalog Call Number : HAIKU S852su 1997

  4. martin1223 Says:

    alone with the bus stop empties
    an empty beer can

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