dense fog
the train evaporates
into a distant horn




Previously published in The Heron’s Nest, June 2009.

14 Responses

  1. Pamela Says:

    very nice

  2. haikutec Says:

    I've been lucky enough to hear this haiku live from Kala at the Royal Festival Hall as a guest of With Words and the London Haiku Group.

    Area 17 blog account of the event:

  3. kala ramesh Says:

    I'm happy you could relate to this, Pamela

  4. Mary Says:

    Oh, well done, Kala….shades of Hogwarts!

  5. haikutec Says:

    As Kala knows, I love this haiku.

    If you google "Area 17 kala" you'll see _kala in action as the guest of With Words and the London Haiku Group.


  6. kala ramesh Says:

    Ha! Alan – I remember my London trip with such joy.
    It was great meeting you, Karen, and all the members of the London haiku group, in person as well.


  7. kala ramesh Says:

    Thanks a ton Mary.

    Ha! Alan – I remember my London trip with such joy.
    It was great meeting you, Karen, and all the members of the London haiku group, in person as well.

    Thanks Martin,
    This is a memory ku, when we had visited Shimla some 20 years back. At that time I didn't even know an art-form like haiku existed!

  8. Sue Burke Says:


  9. kala ramesh Says:

    Thanks Sue,
    Receiving appreciation always feels good :)

  10. haikutec Says:

    Another train haiku:

    the night train passes
    along the mountain trail
    garlic snores

    Alan Summers
    Azami #51 (Japan, Sept. 1998)
    With Words:

  11. Christopher Pickslay Says:

    distant whistle,
    approaching thunder–
    his eyes trace the tracks

  12. Barbara A Taylor Says:

    g'day kala

    this is a beauty.

    relief at last…
    moving out from
    the madness of city

    peace and love

  13. kala ramesh Says:

    Thanks Barbara,

    How are you doing?
    Your haiku brought a smile, very true!


  14. Alan Summers Says:

    Terrific haiku, and I love poems about trains too!

    Alan, With Words

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