late again
a dozen roses
all alike




(Originally published in Modern Haiku, 40.3)

7 Responses

  1. Magyar Says:

    __ Ah, that cycle of time; a flower garden. _m

    time's circle
    as its words meet
    the lilac

  2. Sue Burke Says:

    today's rain
    each drop falls

  3. Elizabeth Alford Says:

    Yes, yes, YES! Perfection!

  4. Marie Shimane Says:

    the rose garden
    one begins to remember
    faded promses

  5. Michelle Schaefer Says:

    such articulation of promises promises. No covering up the beauty of this poem.

  6. aniketnik Says:

    What went away from mind,
    trying to recall the same,
    since being late
    As of now everything seems to be the same.

  7. seaviewwarrenpoint Says:

    I imagined a scenario here. This narrator's partner/loved one has missed her birthday yet again. The sterile appearance of these roses that have been cultivated especially for sale in a supermarket or garage makes them seem like an afterthought. I sense the narrator would have preferred a timely rose plucked from the garden with all its imperfections.


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