About Sylvia Forges-Ryan
Sylvia Forges-Ryan recently received the International Azsacra Poetry Award from the Taj Mahal Journal in Allahabad, India which published her poems in December 2014. Also, she won Third Prize in the 2014 Robert Frost Poetry Contest. Her book, Take a Deep Breath: The Haiku Way to Inner Peace, which won an R. H. Blyth Honorable Mention for Outstanding Books in Haiku Literature from the World Haiku Review in 2013, was selected for permanent inclusion in the American Literature Collection of the Beinecke Library at Yale University.
By Sylvia Forges-Ryan:
- Indian summer . . .
- Summer romance . . .
- Urban sunrise . . .
- Twilight . . .
- Living with it . . .
- Harvest moon . . .
- Full moon . . .
- Spring fever . . .
- Autumn afternoon . . .
- All night the rattle . . .
- Spring rain . . .
- Lilies of the field ? . . .
- Upset over news . . .
- Ten times ten thousand . . .
- slowly falling snow . . .
- Autumn chill . . .
- First day of autumn . . .
- how do they manage . . .