Issue 12.1
Intro 12.1
new coolness…
news of your death…
Friday afternoon…
damselfly wings…
across his face…
milk moon…
distant thunder…
twilight trees…
steam escaping…
drinks on the beach…
dock sunset…
the heavy worm…
another sunset…
dawn garden…
evening sun…
batting cage nets…
all that remains…
we needn’t talk —…
owls hooting…
saying what i mean…
my favorite color…
leaky roof…
lengthening shadows…
tying my shoes…
61st birthday–…
the stillness…
back from war…
antique ruby…
fireworks display…
heat lightning the way your ha…
tree climbing…
deep sea fishing…
mitten drawer ?…
job offer–…
going out of business…
magnifying glass…
sunny day —…
this slum with a moon in every…
The many notes…
under the half moon bridge…
heat wave…
beating sun…
young coconut…
queen-size bed…
green field…
laid off…
slate sky . . .…
not enough time…
Christmas Eve…
New Year’s snowstorm…