Issue 13.1
New ice
Tinywords 13.1 Begins
small town…
after the solstice…
war memorial…
winter chill…
winter stars . . .…
highway markers…
biopsy i am my heartbeat…
cold moon . . .…
our memories of him…
frozen lake ?…
winter dream?…
shorter days . . .…
Monday Morning Coffee Break…
two baristas…
cold winter rain…
leaf in the wind . . .…
reminding myself…
outgoing tide…
bitter wind…
wild strands…
November walk —…
spring winds —…
unable to help myself rip tide…
day moon —…
autumn mist as far as roads wi…
morning walk —…
late afternoon…
the creek…
season opener…
baseball in the distance…
still some swagger…
no fences . . .…
old carousel horse…
grass blades…
snowflakes all the places she…
still life class…
clinging to work…
unexpectedly warm…
ghetto building…
ghetto building…
Old men in a park…
city loneliness…
in this white hour…
planting delphiniums…
foot massage…
this April morning…
what the crows are doing…
our marriage…
spring blues–…
prom night…