Issue 18.1
Welcome to tinywords 18.1
cherry buds…
Spring rain…
between showers…
with each deep breath…
this life…
melting away my pain— ga…
with no thought the goshawk ca…
our last dinner date…
the way rain begins our second…
sushi bar…
he holds her hand…
meant for each other…
eye exam…
tilting my head…
drunk?at noon…
the wind’s…
neon motel sign —…
the vast west…
commuting to work the iambs of…
born this way ……
the crunch of frost…
All night the rattle…
an old friend…
my thoughts…
Fragment of Thought during a P…
trying to put…
one day at a time losing count…
my mother singing…
changing my mantra…
all the way down…
in the space…
Mozart’s birthday–…
french lavender . . .…
the old blind cat…
a lone teal…
drive-by splash . . .…
sea shells…
rumors of war…
long drought…
shrapnel scars…
touching your photo…
when caught…
my brother’s gun…
leaving no will the wind…
bee tree…
rugged hillside…
autumn leaves…
morning light…
ballet shoes…
autumn light…
asking directions…
opening night ……
sitting down to rush home subw…
red eye flight…
summer breeze…
partying solo…
resort town……
lingering jet lag —…
glassy lake…
winter sea…
less water in the vase…
another funeral…
summer twilight…
paperback romance…
lost love –…
another autumn…
our back and forth…
late February…
winter rain…
afternoon heat…
the darkness of my skin…
by the tiller…
sometimes tame…
beach combing…
seeing my dentist…
summer’s end…